Classic car runs
Classic Car Runs
More correctly called 'Touring Assemblies', these events are designed to allow drivers of any 'old' or 'interesting' cars to give their cherished motors a run on public roads - as it's generally agreed that the best way to maintain a vehicle is to use it.
To quote Motorsport UK - "A non-competitive form of Rallying, a Touring Assembly is a great way to enjoy your car and experience the navigational aspects of other rally formats. Touring assemblies are social events designed as fun for the whole family. Participants follow a pre-determined, often scenic, route on public roads. Directions are provided ahead of time, and speeds rarely exceed 30mph. Often, there are one or two refreshment stops, where you can socialise with other enthusiasts."
No Competition Licences or Club Memberships are normally required as there is no competition or timing involved
although the normal requirements for road tax and Insurance applies.
Your car doesn't even need to be old - provided it's 'interesting' - as most of these events are held in support of a charity.
The West Suffolk MC organised 2025 South Suffolk Classic is run in support of the East Anglian Air Ambulance and is open to all Vintage (Pre WW1), Pre-WW2, Classic (up to 1950), Modern Classic (up to 2000), all Sports Cars - although the definitions of all these categories is open to debate.